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3[4]Communication from Australia. Council for Trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights[Z]. World Trade Organization: 2001,October.
4Keith E. Maskus, "Intellectual Property Issues For The New Round ", in Jeffrey J. Scott(ed. ), "The WTO After Seattle", Institute for International Economics, 2000, p. 154.
5See F. Roessler, "The Concept of Nullification and Impairment in the Legal System of the World Trade Organization", in E. - U. Petersmann(ed.), International Trade Law and theGATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Systems, Kluwer Law International, 1997, p. 136.
6See S. Cho, "GATT Non- Violation Issues in the WTO Framework: Are they the Achilles' Heel of the Dispute Settlement Prncess?", Harvand International Law Journal, Vol. 39, p. 312.
7See Gail E. Evans, "A Preliminary Excursion into TRIPS and Non - Violation Complaints", The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 3, 200, pp. 873- 887.
8Frederick M. Abbott, "WTO Dispute Settlement and Agreement on Trade- Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights",in E. - U. Petersmann(ed.), International Trade Law and the GATT/WTO Dispute Settlement Systems, Kluwer Law Intemationsl, 1997, p. 434.
9See C. E. Barfield & M. A. G roombridge, "The Economic Case for Copvright Owner Control over Parallel Imports ",The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 1, pp. 903 -939.
10Jayashree Watal, "TRIPS and the 1999 WTO Millennium Round: Some Reflectionon Future Issues related to IPRs in the WTO and the Way Forward for Developing Countries", The Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol. 3, 2000, p. 10.