
英语词汇深度知识习得过程初探——一项基于词义与搭配的研究 被引量:37

Exploring Chinese English Learners' Development in the Depth of Vocabulary:on Meaning and Collocation
摘要 本文以英语专业一至四年级157名学生在一学期内所写的英语作文为语料,研究了8个高频词的词义和搭配知识发展过程。结果表明,不同类型的词汇知识发展速度不一;词义知识增长的速度较为缓慢;搭配知识具有阶段性的发展特点;词义和搭配的习得在一定程度上受到母语迁移的影响。 This paper studies 157 English majors' development in meanings and collocations of eight high-frequency words. The results show that different types of vocabulary knowledge arc not developed in the same pattern. To be more specific, the development of knowledge about word meaning is much slower, while that of collocational knowledge can be divided into stages. Additionally, the mother tongue has negative influences on the acquisition of word meaning and collocation.
作者 谭晓晨
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 北大核心 2006年第3期50-53,共4页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
关键词 词义 搭配方式 英语词汇 学习心得 vocabulary depth word me,ruing collocation
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