
创造治理:民间组织与公共服务型政府 被引量:76

Create governance:Nongovernmental organizations and Public service-oriented government
摘要 政府的使命在于创造治理,促进发展。作为发展的推动者,政府唯有不断地革故鼎新才能应对一个超大社会急剧变革的需求和挑战。新中国建立以后,基于不同的历史发展时段、不同的经济社会发展水平以及其他约束条件,中国政府的职能轴心进行了三次转移,职能形态经历了两次转换,形成了不同的政府建设取向,即以政治职能为轴心整合经济与社会职能向以经济职能为轴心整合政治与社会职能转换,取向于经济建设型政府;以经济职能为轴心整合政治与社会职能向以社会职能为轴心整合经济与政治职能转换,取向于公共服务型政府。在新时期,中国公共服务型政府构建之根本,不仅在于完善自身,更在于结合市场与社会,创造一个有机和有效的治理结构,以促进国家的全面、协调与可持续发展。中国民间组织的成长是现代社会发育的重要体现,它与政府转型具有内在的统一性。基于此,政府应该把构建公共服务型政府与规范民间组织的发展有机结合起来,进一步创造新型的公共事物的治理结构与治理运行机制。 The mission of government lies in creating governance and promoting development. As the propeller of development, only by reforming continuously, can government meet the requirement and challenge of super-large-scale society's rapid transition. The core of Chinese government reform is the transformation and optimization of government function, and its goals are not only the government's self-improvement, but also the government's combining market with society to create the organic and effective governance structure. The growth of NGOx indicates the development of Chinese society. It has an inherent unity with the transformation and optimization of government function. Therefore, the government should combine organically the construction of public service-oriented government with the regulating of NGOx.
作者 林尚立 王华
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期22-28,共7页 Academic Monthly
关键词 民间组织 政府职能 公共服务型政府 治理结构 NGOx, Transformation of government function, Public Service-oriented government, Structure of governance
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