
结构化P2P网络上可靠的基于内容路由协议 被引量:8

Building Reliable Content-Based Routing Protocol over Structured P2P Networks
摘要 在结构化P2P网络上构建基于内容的发布/订阅系统,可以很好地支持大规模、高度动态的分布式应用.然而,现有的基于内容的路由协议在P2P网络上只能提供弱的可靠性保证.根据结构化P2P网络的路由协议的特点,设计了一种新型的基于内容的路由协议——基于编码区间的路由(identifierrangebasedrouting,简称IRBR)协议.IRBR协议具有良好的容错性,只要事件的发布者与订阅者之间在P2P网络中是可达的,则订阅者一定能够收到它所订阅的事件,且只收到一次.同时,该协议也比现有的协议具有更高的事件路由效率.在Pastry上开发了一个原型系统,模拟实验表明了该协议的效率和容错性. Much work has been done on building content-based publish/subscribe systems over structured P2P networks, so that the two technologies can be combined together to better support large-scale and highly dynamic systems. However, existing content-based routing protocols can only provide weak reliability guarantees over P2P networks. Based on the routing protocols of structured P2P networks, a new type of content-based routing protocol for pub/sub systems is designed, which is called Identifier Range Based Routing (IRBR) protocol. The IRBR protocol guarantees that the subscribing nodes always receive the interested events exactly once as long as the message from publishing nodes to subscribing nodes is arrivable in the P2P network. At the same time, it can also disseminate an event to all interested subscribers with less network traffic. A prototype pub/sub system has been developed on Pastry, and the experimental results demonstrate the fault-tolerance and routing efficiency of the protocol.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期1107-1114,共8页 Journal of Software
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(863) 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)~~
关键词 结构化P2P网络 发布/订阅 基于内容路由 structured P2P network publish/subscribe content-based routing
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