Expressions of GCN5 and HDAC1 in in vivo-and in vitro-cultured mouse preimplantational embryos were studied by immunocytochemistry. Results: (1) In in-vivo group: GCN5 fluorescence signals were evident in the cytoplasm of preblastocyst embryos, but in blastocysts, it disappeared. In two-cell embryos, HDAC 1 staining was observed in the cytoplasm and nuclei, but in the following cleavage-stage embryos, it was mainly localized in the nuclei. (2) In in-vitro group: there were no GCN5 signals at all stages of embryos. The expression pattern of HDAC 1 was similar to that of invivo group, but its level decreased. Those results show the early cleavage environment influence GCN5 and HDAC 1 expressions in mouse preimplantational embryos.
Bulletin of Science and Technology