
中国和新加坡产业内贸易与规模经济关系的协整分析 被引量:1

A Cointegration Analysis of the Relationship between Sino-Singaporean Intra-industry Trade and Economies of Scale
摘要 中国和新加坡产业内贸易与规模经济存在着一种长期的均衡关系,新加坡生产企业的规模经济对产业内贸易的推动作用大于中国,中国和新加坡生产企业的规模经济与产业内贸易存在单向因果关系,即规模经济促进产业内贸易。 There is a long - term equilibrium relationship between Sino - Singaporean intra - industry trade and economies of scale. The impetus of economies of scale to intra - industry trade is greater in Singaporean manufacturing companies than in Chinese ones, and there is unidirectional causality between economies of scale and intra - industry trade, i.e. the former fosters the latter.
机构地区 贵州财经学院
出处 《贵州财经学院学报》 2006年第3期103-107,共5页 Journal of Guizhou College of Finance and Economics
关键词 产业内贸易 规模经济 协整理论 向量误差修正模型 格兰杰因果关系检验 intra - industry trade economies of scale cointegration theory vector error correction model Granger causality test
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