3月26日.为了展现摄影艺术和时装艺术的完美结合.进一步推动艺术产业化和产业艺术化发展.由中国国际时装周组委会与服装设计师杂志社共同主办.柯达(中国)投资有限公司支持的“柯达·双眸看世界”中国国际时装周第一届摄影作品大赛的颁奖仪式在北京饭店隆重举行.所有入围作品和柯达EasyShare V570摄影作品于时装周期间一同在北京饭店向公众展出。
In order to further promote the development of art industializaiton and industry artilization, the first Pho tography Contest of China Fashion Week with theme of "KODA, LOOK AT THE WORLD THRUOGH YOUR EYES" which is co-hosted by Organizing Committee of China Fashion Week and Fashion China Magazine House, and the support of KODAK (CHINA) CO., LTD.held its grand awardceremony in Beijing Hotel.
Fashion China