From November 7 to 8,2002, sanctioned by the State Council, EU Commission and CCPIT jointly held 2002 Partenariat in China International Expo Center in Beijing.382 Chinese companies and 298 enterprises from 15 EU members conducted 2961 rounds of one-to-one exclusive business talks, reached 120 agreements, involving 555 cooperation projects as trade, investment and all kinds of economic and technology cooperations.
From November 7 to 8,2002, sanctioned by the State Council, EU Commission and CCPITjointly held 2002 Partenariat in China International Expo Center in Beijing.382 Chinese companies and 298 enterprises from 15 EU members conducted 2961 rounds of one-to-one exclusive business talks, reached 120 agreements, involving 555 cooperation projects as trade, investment and all kinds of economic and technology cooperations.