
刚性水槽内板状结构在轴向粘性流中的颤振 被引量:2

Flutter of a Plate-type Structure Vibrating in Trough an Axial Viscous Flow in Rigid Water Though
摘要 研究轴向二维粘性流体作用下四跨简支板状梁的自由振动稳定性。基于粘性流理论考虑结构-流体的耦合效应,采用假设模态法建立耦合控制方程。分析系统的颤振临界流速随间隙和板厚的变化规律。结果表明,颤振临界流速随间隙的增大而降低;随板厚的增大而提高。 Stability of a four-span simply-supported plate-type beam in a two-dimensional axial viscous fluid flow was studied. The coupling effect of fluid-structure was considered based on viscous fluid theory. Coupling control equation of system was presented based on assumption method and change tendencies of critical velocity for flutter with both gap and the thickness of beam were discussed. The results show that the critical velocity for flutter decreases with the increase of gap while increases with the increase of beam's thickness.
作者 鲁丽 杨翊仁
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2006年第11期1467-1469,1499,共4页 Science Technology and Engineering
基金 高等学校博士点基金(20020613012)资助
关键词 板状结构 颤振 粘性流 plate-type structure flutter viscous fluid
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