无线mesh网络是最后一英里宽带互联网的可选技术之一。类似于ad hoc网络,在mesh网络中,每个用户节点既是通信终端又提供路由功能;用户节点以ad hoc多跳方式实现与网关的链接,通过网关可以访问因特网。无线mesh网络的吞吐量受到网关带宽的限制。为了提高mesh网络网关频带的利用效率,现提出基于节点组织ad hoc通信方式和L-hop路由策略。在新的路由策略下,将给出对mesh网络的吞吐量的研究。
Wireless mesh networks are an alternative technology for last - mile broadband Intemet access. In wireless mesh networks, it is similar to ad hoc networks, each user node operates not only as a host but also as a router; user packets are forwarded to and from all gateway in multihop fashion. The throughput of wireless mesh networks is constrained by the bandwidth of gateway. This paper organizes the ad hoc traffic based on the adjacency of each node itself instead of the gateway, and proposes an L- hop strategy in order to obtain the improved spectrum efficiency. The throughput of proposed wireless mesh networks is studied.
Information Technology