This paper deseribes the microwave behavior of domestic thick film mate-rials. The experiments carried out on a number of microstrip lines with characteristicimpendance of 50Ω. The transmission lines werefabricated using domestic Au andPd-Ag conductor pasles on 99% alumina substrates. Several indential thin filmmicrostrip lines were produced. The magnitute and phase of the scattering parametersof each pattern were measured by HP 8410S network analyzer in the frequency rangeof 2~12GHz and the data were compared to the calculated values. The cross-sectionalshape of microstrip transmission lines were also measured. The results show that thetransmission loss of domestic Au thick film is neally equal to that of thin film forfrequency up to 8GHz. In addition a 3dB branch line coupler has been fibricated using
do mestic Au conductor pastes on 99% alumina substrate. Its behavior is good.
Telecommunication Engineering