近一年欧盟遭受连串挫折,宪法条约批准进程受阻,经济总体低迷,“法德轴心”作用下降,凝聚力减弱,成员国社会不稳定因素突显。欧盟一体化建设陷入低潮。但欧洲一体化进程已成历史潮流,也是欧洲前途所系。欧盟为防止本身一体化事业的后退和失败, 正在进行反思与调整,以走出困境,重新走上健康发展的轨道。
The EU has experienced a series of frustrating events in the recent year, including the failure in adopting the constitution, the continuous stagnation in its economy, the degrading role of 'French-German Axis', decaying in solidarity, and social instability in member states. The enterprise of EU integration is faced with difficulty. However, the process of European integration has become the historic tide, and is essential to the future of Europe. In order to avoid further setbacks and failure, EU is making review and adjustments to step out of the dilemma and get back to the track of healthy development.
International Studies