[目的]了解流动采血车献血者反应情况,控制无偿献血者献血不良反应.[方法]对日照市2003~2005年流动采血车献血者献血反应进行分析.[结果]流动采血车献血者20 891人,出现献血反应者501例,献血反应率为2.40%.献血反应率,2003~2005年分别为2.55%、2.26%、2.46%(P>0.05)男性为2.67%、女性为2.02%(P<0.01)18~35岁为2.64%、36~55岁为2.07%(P<0.05)干部、军人、大学生、农民、其他职业者分别为2.65%、1.22%、2.67%、2.03%、3.45%(P<0.05);501例反应者中,反应原因分别是精神紧张占47.90%、环境不佳占18.16%、睡眠不足或疲劳占14.97%、空腹占8.18%、穿刺疼痛占5.79%、有晕血晕针史占3.19%,其他占1.80%.[结论]流动采血车献血者献血反应发生率较高.
[Objective]To study the situation of donation adverse reactions on mobile blood collecting vehicles in order to control it effectivly. [Methods]To analyze the donation adverse reactions of the blood donors on mobile blood vehicles in Rizhao from 2003 to 2005. [Results]There were 20 891 blood donors among which 501 had reaction,the average reaction rate was 2. 4% , with 2.55% in 2003,2.26% in 2004 and 2.46% in 2005( P 〈0.05),2.67% for manand 2.02% for woman( P〈0. 01 ) ,2.64% for 18 to 35 age group and 2. 07% for 36 to 55 age group( P 〈0.05). The reaction rate of cadres, armymen, academicians, farmers and the other occupations were 2.65 %, 1.22 % ,2.67 % ,2.03 % and 3.45 % respectively( P 〈0.05). The causes were mental stress(47.90%), the bad circumstance( 18. 16%) ,inadequate sleeper and fatigue( 14.97 % ), limosis( 8. 18% ), the pain of venipuncture( 5.79 % ), and having the record of postphlebotomy adverse reaction( 3.19 % ) ,and others( 1.18% )respectively. [Conclusion]The rate of donation adverse reactions on mobile blood collecting vehicles was relatively high.
Preventive Medicine Tribune
Voluntary blood donation
Blood donation on mobile blood collecting vehicles
Donation adverse reactions