目的探讨甲醛对大鼠生殖发育的影响.方法按两代一窝繁殖法进行生殖毒性试验.选用体重110~130g Wistar大鼠120只,随机分为4组, 每组雌鼠20只、雄鼠10只.采用静式吸入法染毒,雌、雄大鼠每天染毒1h, 各组的甲醛浓度分别为,高浓度组:119.6±15.4mg/m^3、中浓度组:25.2±4.6mg/m^3、低浓度组:4.8±1.3 mg/m^3、对照组:室内空气, 同时观察大鼠各项生殖发育指标.结果 F2代高剂量组仔鼠有17只畸形,占活胎数的32.1%(17/53),与对照组比较差异有显著性(P﹤0.05);F1代高浓度组雌鼠受孕率、死胎率、胎盘总重及胎窝总重与对照组比较差异均有显著性(P﹤0.05), F2代高浓度组大鼠活产率、4天存活率、21天存活率与对照组比较差异均有统计学意义(P﹤0.05), 在哺乳期F1代出生14天后和F2代出生后体重均明显低于同时期对照组大鼠的体重.结论甲醛可影响大鼠生殖及子代发育,并具有致畸作用.
ObJective To determine the effects of the formaldehyde exposure on the reproductive function and the development of offsprings. Methods A two generations - one nest reproductive test was carried out. 120 Wistar rats weighted 110 - 130 g were randomly divided into 4 groups. The formaldehyde concentration was 119.6± 15.4mg/m^3 in high dose group, 25.2±4.6 mg/m^3 in the middle dose group, 4.8±1.3 mg/m^3 in the low dose group while it was indoor air in the control group. The male and female rats inhaled formaldehyde freely 1 h everyday, the indexes of reproduction and development of rats were measured. Results Signif- icant differences between high dose group and the control group were observed in the fetus abnormality rate of F2 rats; significant differences between F1 high dose group and control group were observed in the pregnancy rate, dead fetus, totall placenta weight and totall body weight ; the rate of living fetus, tthe 4 - day surival and the 21 -day survival in high dose group were significantly lower than that in F2 rats of the control group; the weights of F1 and F2 rats in 3 experimental groups were significantly lighter than that in the control. Conclusions Formaldehyde can affect the ability of rats reproduction and development, and induce teratogenicity in Wistar rats.
Endemic Diseases Bulletin
Reproduction and development