
供应链系统柔性经济定量模型 被引量:2

Economic Evaluation Model of Supply Chain Flexibility
摘要 企业系统柔性是众多文献讨论得比较多的问题,然而系统地研究供应链系统的柔性,目前还处于初始阶段。在现有为数不多的供应链系统柔性研究文献中,定性讨论较多,定量研究方法多为模拟、加权评价法等。完整而系统地采用数学模型对供应链系统的整体柔性作出定量和说明,对于整个供应链系统的规划和决策,具有重要意义。但是,这方面的研究基本上还是空白。本文利用产品组合柔性(Productmixflexibility)的概念,建立了供应链系统的整体柔性经济定量模型,该模型能够对供应链系统的整体柔性作出定量化解释,从而帮助供应链系统作出柔性决策。 At present the research of supply chain flexibility is still limited. Among the limited study of supply chain flexibility, some only discuss concept and framework, others try to measure supply chain flexibility by simulation method, weight method etc., the precise measurement of supply chain flexibility using the mathematic model is ignored. On the basis of the abstract of supply chain system, adopting the notion of product mix flexibility, an integrated flexibility model including labor flexibility, machine flexibility, routing flexibility and information technology, is built, and the total flexibility is measured by economic index. Through the examples' the model is solved on the computer, also the production arrangement and the supply chain flexibility of the system can be obtained. The work of this paper can help the supply chain system in economic evaluation when the total flexibility of supply chain is wanted to be improved, and can help the flexibility decision of the supply chain system.
作者 龚哲君
机构地区 武汉理工大学
出处 《物流科技》 2006年第5期104-108,共5页 Logistics Sci-Tech
关键词 柔性 供应链 制造 系统 flexibility supply chain management manufacturing system
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