From Aprll l964 to December 1994,a total of 474l cases,2428 esophagcalcarcinoma and 2313 gastric cardial carcinoma wcre surgically treated.Patients werc divided intotwo groups according to the time peried of operation;Group A (2070 cases)for an earlier periedof 23 years(1964 to l987)and group B(2671 cases) for a later peried of 7 years(1988 to 1994).The overall anastomtic leakage was 2.6%。 The overall dcath rate of anastomotic leakagewas l7.9%. The anastomotic leakagc was 3.8%in group A and l.7%in group B. The deathrate of anastomotic leakage was 24.4%and 7.6%in group A and B respectively. It showed anobvious improvement. The data showed a marked advance in surgicai prevention and treatmentof anastomotic leakage aftcr operation of esophageal and gastric cardial carcinoma was done inrecent years. The authors focus thcir discussion on the technique and key point of the preventionand treatment in paticns with anastomotic leakage
Cancer Research and Clinic