
Geometric Optics for One-Dimensional Schrodinger-Poisson System

Geometric Optics for One-Dimensional Schrodinger-Poisson System
摘要 这篇论文在一种尺寸考虑 Schroedinger 泊松系统的一个家庭,其起始的数据震荡以便一苛性出现。由使用 Lagrangianintegrals,作者在外面获得对答案的一致描述苛性、近苛性。 This paper considers a family of Schroedinger-Poisson system in one dimension, whose initial data oscillates so that a caustic appears. By using the Lagrangian integrals, the authors obtain a uniform description of the solution outside the caustic, and near the caustic.
出处 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第3期353-362,共10页 数学年刊(B辑英文版)
关键词 几何光学 拉格朗日积分 振荡 腐蚀性 Schrodinger-Poisson, Geometric optics, Lagrangian integral
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