

Conrad's Oriental Narrative——Comment on the colonialist in two novels Almayer's Folly & Lord Jim
摘要 通过聚焦康拉德的有关马来叙事《阿尔迈耶的愚蠢》和《吉姆姥爷》两部小说,借助后殖民理论,对叙事成分、视角、语言和呈现方式进行评析,揭示康拉德作品的潜在殖民意识,指出这种殖民意识是根植于其所推崇的欧洲传统与作品对帝国形象所起的特殊作用,再现康拉德东方叙事与重新审视经典文学中的东西方关系。 By detailed discussion of the elements of the subversive conventional narratives as diction, mode of representation and point of view of the Malay novels Almayer' s Folly & Lord Jim, based on the postcolonial theory, this paper attempts to reveal Conrad' s colonialist ideology hidden in the texts, which roots in the European tradition he prefers, and its special effect taken on the image of the Empire.By doing so, the concentration should be put on the colonialist representation of Contad's Oriental narratives and reconsideration about the relationship between the West and the East by reviewing the classic literature.
作者 黄绚
出处 《涪陵师范学院学报》 2006年第1期105-109,共5页 JOurnal of Fuling Teachers College
关键词 《阿尔迈耶的愚蠢》 《吉姆姥爷》 东方叙事 康拉德 殖民再现 Almayer' s Folly & Lord Jim, Conrad Oriental narratives Conrad' s colonialist colonialist recurrence
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