3Sally A. Rogers. Electronic Journal Usage at Ohio State University. College & Research Libraries,2001,62(1) :25 - 34.
4Deborah J. Grimes, Carl H. Boening. Worries with the Web: a look at student use of Web resources. College & Research Libraries, 2001,62( 1 ) : 11 -23.
5Kathleen Bauer. Indexes as tools for measuring usage of print and electronic resources. College & Research Libraries, 2001,62(1):36-42.
6Bradley L. Schaffner. Electronic resources: a wolf in sheep' s clothing?. College & Research Libraries, 2001,62(3):239-249.
7Susan Davis Herring. Faculty acceptance of the World Wide Web for student research. College & Besearch Libraries,2001,62(3) :251 - 258.
8Louise McGillis, Elaine G. Toms. Usability of the academic library Web site: implication for design. College & Research Libraries, 2001,62(4) :355 - 367.