
超临界CO_2水平管内换热的实验研究 被引量:4

Experimental Study of Heat Transfer to Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in a Horizontal Tube
摘要 对超临界二氧化碳在水平管内的对流换热与压降特性进行了实验研究。结果表明,入口压力、CO2质量通量密度和冷却水质量通量密度对换热性能有很大影响,而入口温度和浮升力对换热性能无明显影响。实验还发现入口压力和CO2质量通量密度对压降有较大影响。并将实验结果和4个超临界二氧化碳换热关联式做了比较,分析发现Krasmochekov-Protopopov关联式与实验结果吻合较好。 The convection heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of supercfitical CO2 in a horizontal tube were investigated experimentally. The results indicate that the inlet pressure, the mass flux density of CO2 and the mass flux density of cooling water have important effects on the convection heat transfer characteristics while the inlet temperature and the buoyancy have nothing effects on it. The results also show that the inlet pressure and the mass flux density of CO2 have important effects on the pressure drop. The expermertal data in this study were compared with four correlations for convection heat transfer of supercritical CO2, as a result, the Krasmochekov- Protopopov's correlation showed the best agreement to the experimental data.
机构地区 天津商学院
出处 《流体机械》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期57-61,共5页 Fluid Machinery
基金 天津市自然科学基金项目(05YFJMJC06200)
关键词 超临界 二氧化碳 对流换热 压降 supercritical carbon dioxide convection heat transfer pressure drop
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