Objective To investigate the magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) of bilateral breasts with various sequences and positions and evaluate those imaging in the diagnosis of the breast disorders. Methods MRI using SPGR-T1-weighted imaging(T1WI) and FSE T2-weight imaging(T2WI) with fat suppression on axial, sagittal and coronal sections was performed in 30 cases of breast disorders. After the Gd-DTPA was given, dynamic enhancement with 3D-FSPGR sequence was done on bilateral breasts on sagittal slices. Results Non-enhanced T1WI using SPGR sequence had higher SNR and quicker than FSE T2WI ,but the contrast of the signal between the lesions and normal tissue was poor compared with FSE T2WI. 3D-FSPGR sequence with chemical saturation had the highest sensitivity for detecting the breast lesions among all 3 sequences and demonstrated the occult lesions that could not be found on the non-contrast enhanced scan. Additionally, with the characteristics of the lesions during enhancement and time-intensity curve, a qualitative evaluation of the disorder could be made. Coronal FSE with T2WI fat suppression had higher sensitivity for auxiliary lymphadenpathy. Conclusion 3D-FSPG is the most valuable sequence in the evaluation of the breast disorders. Axial and sagittal slices are the routine projections in the imaging of the breast disorder. The coronal imaging is superior in assessing auxiliary lymphadenopathy.
Diagnostic Imaging & Interventional Radiology