

Cloning and Phylogenetic Analyses of the Nucleoprotein Gene from Coronavirus of Pigeon Origin
摘要 The nucleoprotein (N) gene of the coronavirus of pigeon origin (PSH) was cloned and sequenced A pair of primers based on the nucleoprotein gene sequences of group 3 coronaviruses was designed and used to amplify the N gene of PSH The PCR product was purified and cloned into the pMD18-T vector. The positive recombinant pTN was used for sequencing. The cloned 1275bp fragment covered all the open reading frame of N gene and potentially encoded 409 amino acids. The results of comparative sequence analysis indicated that the nucleotide sequence of N gene of this strain shared 67.4%~96.6% identity with group 3 coronaviruses, and the predicted amino acid sequence shared 67.4%~97.8% identity, while only limited identity (<41.5%) was observed with group 1 and group 2 coronaviruses. Based on these results, PCoV PSH strain was identified as a member of group 3 coronaviruses. The nucleoprotein (N) gene of the coronavirus of pigeon origin (PSH) was cloned and sequenced A pair of primers based on the nucleoprotein gene sequences of group 3 coronaviruses was designed and used to amplify the N gene of PSH The PCR product was purified and cloned into the pMD18-T vector. The positive recombinant pTN was used for sequencing. The cloned 1275bp fragment covered all the open reading frame of N gene and potentially encoded 409 amino acids. The results of comparative sequence analysis indicated that the n.ucleotide sequence of N gene of this strain shared 67.4%~96.6% identity with group 3 coronaviruses, and the predicted amino acid sequence shared 67.4%~97.8% identity, while only limited identity (〈41.5%) was observed with group 1 and group 2 coronaviruses. Based on these results, PCoV PSH strain was identified as a member of group 3 coronaviruses.
出处 《中国病毒学》 CSCD 2006年第3期301-303,共3页 Virologica Sinica
基金 上海交大-昂立抗击"非典"科技基金(SARS03-03)
关键词 冠状病毒 核衣壳基因 克隆 序列分析 Pigeon Coronavirus Nucleoprotein gene Clone Sequence analyses
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