

Notes on Rectizele van Achterberg from China(Hymenoptera:Bracouidae:Macrocentrinae)
摘要 本文报道直赛茧蜂属RectizelevanAchterberg,1993在我国的新发现,并记录2种,一为中国新记录种:朴氏直赛茧蜂R,parkivanAchterberg,1993;另一为新种:中华直赛茧蜂R.chi-nensisHeetLou,sp.nov。 In the paper,one new species and one new record of the genus Rectizele van Achter-berg from China are documented. Type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Applied Ento-mology,Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou.1. Rectizele chinensis He &Lou,sp, nov.The new species can be distinguished from the only known species R. parki van Achterberg,1993 from Korea by the following key. 1. Head and metasomal tergites black,mesosma reddish brown, lst tergite reddish yellow basally;length of lst tergite 4.5 times its apical width, its surface transversely or roundly finely striate at its apex 2/5 (xcept apical margin),longitudinally striate latero-medially(fig,9);length of apical segment of maxillary palp equal to length of its third segment; face longitudinally rugu-lose at lower half;length 9.9mm. Yunnan…………………R.chinensis He&Lou,sp. nov.Body black,first tergite yellowish white basally;length of lst tergite 4.0 times its apical width,its surface irregularly longitudinally or obliquely weakly striate-rugose, but with shallowly vague median groove and irregularly weakly rugae at the groove; length of apical segment of maxillary palp less than length of its third segment; face moderately punctate. length 8.8-11.6 mm. Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian and Guangxi………………R. parki van Achterberg Material.-Holotype:♀(ZAU),“China, Yunnan Prov Menghal(21. 9N,100.5E),6.vi.1992,Luo Hengwen,no. 824438”.2.Rectizele parki van Achterberg,1993, New to China.Material.-Zhejiang Prov. :Mt.W. Tianmu(30. 4N, 119.5m,1♀, 27.vi.1954, He Junhua,no, 871079: 1♂,8.x.1982, Zhu Kunyan, no.825949;1♂,13.viii ,1965,Wang Lianchen ,no.871100;1♂Hubei Prov .:Mt. Wudang(32.4N,110.9E) , 16. viii. 1984, Zong Liangbing, no.870130;3♂, Hunan Prov.: Zhangjiaie ,9-7.x.1988, Tong Xinwang, no. 904653;4♀1♂, Fujian Prov. : Mt. Wuyi (26. 4N,116.4N),29. viii.1984(12)8.viii. 1986,Wang Jiashe,no. 854375,870633;1♀, Guangxi Zhang Automonous Region:Mt. De Yao(24. ON,110.2E), 12.vi,1982,He Junhua,no. 822790.
出处 《浙江农业大学学报》 CSCD 1996年第1期33-36,共4页
基金 浙江省教委资助项目
关键词 直赛茧蜂属 茧蜂科 新记录 新种 中国 Rectizele Macrocentrinae Braconidae new record new species China
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