目的 探讨念珠菌病的新类型和新条件下小儿真菌感染的临床表现和致病菌。方法 回顾性收集1975~2005年的临床资料44例,进行体外毛发感染试验、电镜观察、动物试验,流式细胞(FCM)、随机括增多态性DNA(RAPD)以及DNA基因序列检测等。结果 ①累计发现44例婴儿头部念珠菌病,其中病期长者可感染头发。②粉末毕赤酵母可致婴儿皮肤感染。③一种罕见的林生地霉可致脓癣样地霉病。结论 我们发现的婴儿头部念珠菌病,慢性皮肤、黏膜念珠菌病伴皮肤粉末毕赤酵母感染和罕见的林生地霉引起儿童脓癣样地霉病,均为文献率先报道,对防治和降低念珠菌病和其他酵母样真菌感染患者的死亡率有一定意义。
Objective To study the new type of the candidiasis and the new causative fungi of opportunistic mycotic infection. Methods In a retrospective study,the clinical data were collected from our outpatients since 1975 to 2005. The laboratory examination included the observation by electron microscope, the experiment in vitro, flow cytometry (FCM), random amplified polymorthic DNA(RAPD) and sequencing of DNA. Results We found 44 patients with infantile candidiasis capitis, and in some patients, the hair was destroyed by Candida albicans ; Pichiafarinosa may cause papule type of cutaneous infection of infant;Kerionforme geotrichosis may be caused by a rare kind of Geotrihcum silvicola. Conclusions Candida are able to infect scalp and hair. Pichia farinosa may lead to cutaneous infection of infant and the kerionforme geotrichosis may be caused by a rare kind of G. silvicola. The discoveries above mentioned were first reported in the world literatures. These discoveries may be helpful more or less for the treatment and prevention of opportunistic fungi infection.
Chinese Journal of Mycology