
有关西方心理学中生物学化思潮的质疑与思考 被引量:4

A Critique and Rethinking about the Biologism in Western Psychology
摘要 从基因的角度认识人的社会行为,以遗传决定论的观点看待心理和行为的产生和发展,这种生物还原论的观点近年来在西方心理学中有着很大的市场。社会生物学、进化心理学和对行为遗传学研究成果的错误理解和解释是这一思潮的主要代表。实际上,基因的作用是有限的,它并不能决定个体的行为选择。个体发展是基因和环境共同作用的产物,心理与行为是受文化制约的,文化决定了个体心理的发展过程。 The biologism in Western psychology, which claims that the mind and behavior are determined mainly by genes or other genetic heritage and by understanding genes, has gained increasing attention and recognition over the past several decades. Soeiobiology, evolutionary psychology and the misrepresentation of behavioral genetics are the representatives of the biologism in psychology. In the author's opinion, we can not deny that the mind and behavior of human beings are in some way influenced by genes, but the functions of genes is limited and should not be overstated. We will never identify the genes that are responsible for a particular behavior. Genes cannot control our individual behavioral choices. Rather, individual development is a product of the interaction between genes and environment, especially the cultural environment. It is the social culture that shapes our behaviors.
作者 叶浩生
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期520-525,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 江苏省哲学社会科学重点项目(04JYA001)
关键词 社会生物学 进化心理学 行为遗传学 基因 文化 sociobiology, evolutionary psychology, behavioral genetics, genes, culture
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