运用单位根检验(ADF)、Johansen协整检验、G ranger因果检验和脉冲响应函数分析对高等教育学费上涨与我国居民收入差距进行了G ranger因果关系检验,得出的结论是:在高等教育年平均学费上涨速度高于居民年平均收入的增长速度情况下,高等教育年平均学费和年平均收入的比值与我国的居民生活困难加大存在协整关系;存在协整关系的情况下,学费上涨与居民生活困难的变化构成一定的因果关系。
This paper applied unit-root test, Johansen co-integration test, Granger casual relation test and impulse response function to testing relationship between increase of tuition fees of higher education in China and the income gap. The conclusion shows that the rate between annual average tuition fees in higher education and annual average income of citizens and the increasing difficulty of the residents' life have co-integration relationship under the condition that the increasing rate in annual average tuition fees in higher education is higher than increasing rate of annual average income of residents. Based on the co-integration relation, the casual relation has been developed for the increase of tuition fees of higher education in China and the difficulty of the residents' life.
Higher Education Development and Evaluation