实验分成四组,对照组为雏鸡出壳次日起按每日每公斤体重100μg剂量经口投与 T-2毒素,其余三组为实验组,均投与对照组相同剂量的 T-2毒素,同时第一组按每周每公斤体重0.07mg 剂量经口投与亚硒酸钠,第二组按每日每公斤体重5mg 剂量经口投与 VC,第三组按每日每公斤体重0.5mg 剂量经口投与 VE,均为期8周。发现 VC、Se、VE 对 T-2毒素抑制软骨组织 DNA 合成,均有一定程度的拮抗作用(F 检验,P 值均<0.01),其中以 VC 拮抗作用较优。
All of three experimental groups and control group were given T-2 toxin 100 μg/kg weight per day for eight weeks.Besides T-2 toxin,the first experimental group was given sodium selenite 0.07mg/kg weight per week,the second experimental group was given vitamin C 5mg/kg weight per day,the third experimental group was given vitamin E 0.5mg/kg weight per day.The results showed that vitamin C, selenium and vitamin E could play a protective effect to a certain degree on inhihited synthesis of DNA in cartilage tissue and protein in liver tissue induced by T-2 toxin(analysis of variance,P<0.01),a- mong them protective effect of vitamin C was the most significant.Meanwhile,writers briefly discussed these experimental results.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology