随着遥感技术快速发展,遥感图像数据已成为空间信息的重要数据源之一,卫星遥感图像高速实时传输已经成为当前研究的热点问题,并伴随着巨大的市场需求。该文针对卫星上遥感图像数据实时高速压缩、传输的需求,在V isual C++环境下,建立了对卫星遥感图像进行压缩、传输、解压、接收、显示等过程进行仿真研究的仿真系统。该系统主要使用JPEG2000算法进行了仿真分析,在仿真系统的设计实现中采用图像分块压缩等关键技术,并针对压缩速度提出了压缩效率、信噪比等评价指标。仿真结果证明了图像数据压缩系统的有效性。该项研究成果可以用于对遥感图像实时压缩算法进行仿真研究和分析,也可作为地面图像处理系统对遥感图像数据进行观测。同时,该文研究内容还将有效地提高图像数据系统的压缩传输效率。
With the rapid development of remote sensing, now remote sensing image data is becoming a main data source for spatial information , and a great demand for high - speed satellite onboard remote sensing image compression has stood out . So we built the simulation system based on JPEG2000 algorithm and got a successful result. In the simulation system, some pivotal techniques such as the image partitioned technique is applied to meet the demand on the high - speed transmission. For the evaluation of compressing speed , compressing efficiency and Signal - to - Noise ratio become two mean parameters. Our investigation used a eircumstanee of Visual C + + , and mainly focused on the processes of eompression , transport , reeeiving , deeompreBsion and display of satellite remote sensing image. The simulation results prove the effieieney of the system, whieh ean be applied to analyze the real - time remote sensing image compression algorithm and observe remote sensing image on ground.
Computer Simulation
Simulation system
Remote sensing
Image compression