陈仕彬 1965年生于四川泸州叙永,1997年定居北京,供职于教育部中国艺术教育促进会,兼中国人民国际交流协会副秘书长、中国收藏家协会理事、中国书画艺术研究院(香港)执行院长等职。
Mr. Chen enabled me to figure out a possible outcome. If a person has comprehending and digesting capability for life, art, nature and society to a certain extent, his learning, cultivation and academic attainments would turn into a spiritual phenomenon. As the witty remark written by Mr. Liu Shahe, a native Sichuan writer on the couplet hung high on the wall reading that the conception about art is as deep as the moon in the sea and the illusion is as far as the star beyond the Milky Way.
Western China