
广义Rayleigh商在四元数体中的推广及其在图象信息融合中的应用 被引量:3

Develop and application of generalized Rayleign quotient in quaternion
摘要 在力学、物理学及系统工程理论中,常会遇到形如AX=λBX的广义特征值问题。本文将复数域中的广义特征值问题向四元数体加以推广,通过详细的数学推导证明其正确性。同时说明该问题在基于Fisher模式分类法的信息融合技术中的应用,并给出详细的数学证明。 Generalized eigenvalue problems as-AX = λBX are often confronted in mechanies, physics and engineering. Generalized eigenvalue problems in complex domain are developed to quatemion in this paper, and its feasibility is proved. Its application to information fusion based on Fisher pattern classification is also illustrated, here with mathematie prove.
出处 《激光杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期39-40,共2页 Laser Journal
关键词 四元数 自共轭矩阵 广义特征值 Fisher模式分类 广义Rayleigh商 线性无关 quaternion self-conjgate matrix generalized eigenvalue fisher pattern classification generalized rayhigh quotient left non - linear
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