采用武汉同济医科大学中澳友谊补体实验室仿国际标准C4定型程序改进后建立的 方法,对99名无血缘关系的藏族人进行补体C4单倍型检测。对198个C4单倍型检测结果分析, 我国藏族人群C4单倍型频率以A3B1最高(0.4192),A3B2次之(0.1868),以下依次是:A4B2 (0.0707)、A2B1(0.0707)、A3B5(0.0454)等。在C4A座位上发现8个型别:C4A5、4、3、2、1、34、45 及 Q0,在C4B座位上发现 9个型别:C4B5、12、2、1、4、96、26、2. 1及Q0。分类归属 24种,共组成 34 种不同表型。将C4表型的观察值与预期应进行比较,卡方检验发现C4A差异具有极显著意义 (C4A,x2=34.6798,P<0.005),而C4B没有统计学意义(C4B,x2=8.9100,P>0.5).C4B在人 群分布符合Hardy-Weinburg(H-W)平衡。
With the method improved by Sino-Australian Friendship Complement Laboratory of Tongji Medical University in Wuhan according to C4 definite process of international standard,we examined C4 haplotypes in 99 no-sib Tibetans. The result of C4 haplotypes in 198 cases showed the frequencies as A3B1 (0. 4192 ), A3B2 (0. 1868), A4B2 (0. 0707), A2B1 (0. 0707),A3B5 (0. 0454). The 8 types are discovered at C4A and named as C4A5, 4, 3,2, 1, 34, 45 and Q0 respectively. The other 9 types are discovered at C4B and named as C4B5, 12, 2, 1, 4, 96, 26, 2. 1 and Q0. Compared the observed value of C4 phenotypes with the expected value, the difference of C4A in x2 test show great significance (C4A, x2= 34. 6798, P <0. 005),while C4B is no statistic value (C4B, x2=8. 9100, p > 0. 5). The distribution of C4B in Tibetan population coinsides with Hardy-Weinburg Law.
Chinese Journal of Immunology