
论英语词汇学习六种方法的理据 被引量:4

Theorizing on Six Methods of Learning English Vocabulary
摘要 从六个方面论证英语词汇学习的理论依据:上下文猜词和查字典、对单词的反复接触、口语输入、设计不同的基于语篇的任务、通过语篇调整促进词汇习得、间接和直接方式的结合,说明多样的学习方法在英语单词学习中的必要性。 This paper theorizes the views on how to learn English words from 6 perspectives: guessing the meaning from the context, looking up the word in the dictionary, frequent exposures to the word, oral input, designing different text - based tasks, promoting vocabulary acquisition by text modification and combination of indirect and direct approach. It concludes that it is absolutely necessary to adopt a mixed approach in English vocabulary learning.
作者 武卫
出处 《长春师范学院学报》 2006年第3期120-122,共3页 Journal of Changchun Teachers Coliege
关键词 词汇学习 学习方法 理据 英语 vocabulary learning learning methods theorizing
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