

Optimal Information Rate of a Kind of Secret Sharing Schemes
摘要 文章研究了秘密共享体制的信息率。利用星覆盖的方法构造性地证明了以至多只有两个内点不与悬点相邻的树G为通道结构的秘密共享体制的最优信息率等于θ(G)2θ(G)-1,从而证明了关于树的信息率的猜想在这种情况下的正确性。 In this paper, we are interested in the optimal result is proved with the method of star-covering that schemes for access structure based on tree G which has information rates of secret sharing the optimal information rate of at most two internal vertices to schemes. The secret sharing adjacent to an end - vertex is equal toθ(G)/2θ(G)-1. Thus the correctness of the conjecture about the optimal information rates of trees is proved in such condition.
作者 刘弦
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2006年第2期128-131,共4页 Journal of Information Engineering University
关键词 秘密共享体制 最优信息率 树(图) secret sharing scheme optimal information rate tree (graph)
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