目的了解《生物化学与生物物理进展》发文、文献引用规律及该刊情报吸收能力、期刊论文的覆盖范围、科研人员合作现状及特点、发现生物化学与生物物理研究领域科研人员的文献需求特征,为该学科研究人员查阅文献和编辑部提高期刊质量提供参考。方法以《生物化学与生物物理进展》2000~2004年被 SCI-E 收录的941篇论文为研究对象,采用文献计量学分析方法分别对期刊载文量、篇均引文数、作者发文数量、合作情况、高产作者、地区分布、高产机构、引文数量、引文年代、普赖斯指数、自引率、期刊互引、高频次被引期刊和论文被引等指标进行统计分析。结果高产著者100人发文224篇(23.80%),高产机构20个发文447篇(47.50%),篇均引文量为14.31条,主要的引文类型为期刊(95.72%),普赖斯指数56.05%,自引率1.60%,被引用频次居前13位的期刊的文献引用量占总引用期刊文献量的35.26%,收录论文被引率24.65%,篇均被引次数为0.37。结论期刊论文涉猎文献范围较广,作者分布在全国24个省市区以及欧亚四国,合作率高。该刊拥有一支实力雄厚、对刊物影响较大、造诣较深的活跃高产作者群,中国科学院生物物理研究所在国内生物化学与生物物理研究领域处于领先地位。论文引文类型以期刊为主,研究引用文献比较新颖,论文被引率和篇均被引次数有待进一步提高。
To survey the academic state and merit of the journal "Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics" (PIBB) being collected in SCIE, the publications, citations and information absorbency of the journal have been thoroughly analysed. Using the method of bibliometric analysis and a data set containing 941 articles published in PIBB from 2000 to 2004, a series of factors significant to the journal were statistically investigated, including overview of the publications, average citation number, authors and core authors, articles with collaboration, geographical distribution of institutions producing papers, high-productive authors and institution, citation number with year, Price Index, self-cited rate and high-cited journals. The results show that 95.92% of the published articles in PIBB are in SCI entries. The publications are contributed by the various institutions, which are widely distributed in whole China and some abroad areas. 13 high-productive institutions provided 447 articles (47.50%) and the most productive institutions belong to biomedical science ( 5 medical colleges produced 19.90% of the published papers ), general universities (6 universities for 16.27 % ) and academic institutes (2 institute of CAS for 11.3 % ). Among others, 100 core-authors published 224 articles (23.80%). The average citation number is 14.31 per article and the most citations are appeared in scientific journals (95.72%). The Price Index is 56.05% ,and the self-citation rate is 1.60%. 35.26% of the cross citations appeared in PIBB is from the high-ranked 13 journals including Science, Nature, and Cell. Except biochemistry and biophysics, the journal PIBB shows a muhidiscipline scope in the frontier of biological sciences, including biomedical science, molecular biology, neuroscience, genomics, and proteomics. The main contributors of the journal are mostly working in the top scientific institutions of China, whose publications usually are representative in the relative scientific field of China. In conclusion, the journal PIBB has been a well-known journal with high quality and rather wide impact on biological and medical sciences in China.
Chinese Journal of Scientific and Technical Periodicals