
基于生态保护目标的湿地生态需水研究 被引量:17

Research on the Eco-environmental Water Requirement of Wetland for Ecosystem Conservation
摘要 根据当前我国湿地面临的生态环境问题以及国内外有关湿地生态需水的研究进展,结合湿地保护和管理目标,提出了较为科学的、具有实际应用价值的生态需水概念、理论、计算原则及相关计算方法。基于湿地生态保护目标的湿地生态需水概念就是为解决和恢复湿地生态问题及实现湿地保护目标所需要的水量。计算需注意的地方主要有7个方面,即:①维系湿地生态环境现状;②维持新生湿地生态系统不再退化;③恢复历史某个时期的湿地生态景观和功能;④维持湿地基本特征或者某些具体目标;⑤保护湿地生物多样性;⑥保护不同级别濒危珍稀物种或特殊生态系统;⑦实现国家发展计划。计算方法主要有:湿地分级法、水文生态法、模拟模型法及遥感解译法。 Focusing on the eco-envimnmental issues of China' s wetland, referring to the progress of domestic and overseas research on wetland ecosystem water requirement, combining with wetland conservation and objectives of wetland management, this paper delivered a more scientific and practical system of concept, theory and calculating method for wetland environmental water requirement. The concept of wetland eco-envimnmental water requirement based on wetland conservation is the water amount required to resolve the problems of wetland ecosystem and realize the objectives of wetland conservation. There am 7 aspects needed to be paid more attention to: ① Maintaining the status of wetland ecosystem; ② Keeping wetland ecosystem from degradation; ③Restoring the landscape and function of certain historical period of wetland;④Keeping the characteristics of wetland to realize some of the objects; ⑤Preserving the biodiversity of wetland; ⑥Protecting the species under different endangered extent and some peculiar ecosystem; ⑦Helping to realize the layout of country's progress. The calculating methods used include: wetland classification mode, hydro-ecological method, using simulant model and deciphering remote sensing data.
出处 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期18-22,共5页 World Forestry Research
基金 水利部项目"中国陆域湿地及其水资源状况综合分析"
关键词 湿地 保护目标 生态需水 wetlands, containment objective, eco-envimnmental water requirement
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