
肿瘤热化疗中化疗药物的选择 被引量:11

Selection of Chemotherapeutics in Thermochemotherapy of Tumor
摘要 目的:肿瘤治疗进入综合治疗时代,临床已应用热疗联合化疗和/或放疗治疗多种肿瘤,但热化疗中还有许多问题需要明确,如最佳的温度和作用时间,热化疗是药物的选择等。方法:通过总结许多国内外的基础试验研究和临床应用结果,评价肿瘤热化疗的协同作用。结果:体外细胞试验表明化疗药物的毒性与治疗温度和时间相关,温度37.0~41.0℃(41.5℃)合并药物时,细胞生存率急剧下降,而除ADR外,41.0~43.0℃时细胞生存率下降不明显。体内实验表明9种药物中,除BIN外热增长比例(TER)在41.5℃和43.0℃无明显区别,其中马法兰的TER最高。热化疗的临床研究还处于初期,但用马法兰和TNF进行隔离肢体热灌注治疗黑色素瘤和软组织肉瘤效果确切。结论:热疗联合化疗有协同抗肿瘤作用,应进一步深入研究。 Objective: To discuss the optimal temperature(OT) and action time(AT), selection of chemothempeufies in the thermochemotherapy(TCT) of tumor. Methods: The synergistic action in the TCT of tumor was evaluated by summarizing the basal experimental investigation and clinical application of the internal and external. Results: Exosomatic cell test showed that the toxicity of chemotherapeutics was relative to treating temperature and time. When the temperature was 37.0- 41.0℃(41.5℃) with medication, cell survival rates decreased suddenly except Adr; the test in vivo showed that out of the 9 drugs, L- Sarcolysinum' s(L- PAM) TER( = Thermal Enhancement Ratio) was the highest at 41.5℃and 43.0℃, except BLM without significant difference. Although the clinical study on TCT is still in the initial stage, hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion with L- PAM and TNF in the treatment of melanoma and soft - tissue sarcoma has got good effects. Conclusion: Thermotherapy combined with chemotherapy has synergistic action against tumor, which should be further studied.
作者 彭楠 马爱敏
机构地区 解放军总医院
出处 《现代生物医学进展》 CAS 2006年第4期63-65,21,共4页 Progress in Modern Biomedicine
关键词 肿瘤治疗 热化疗 化疗药物 细胞生存率 Treating tumor Thermochemotherapy(TCT) Chemotherapeutics Cell survival rate
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