

New Progress after the commencement or the Three Gorges Project and preparation of theclosure in Yangtze River
摘要 三峡工程建设管理运行机制为项目法人责任制、招标承包制和建设监理制,实行质量、工期和造价三控制。1995年三峡工程完成固定资产投资64.7亿元,为年度计划的101%,其中建安工作量为31.4亿元,为计划的101.8%;共完成土石方开挖4830.4万m3,土石方回填1528.1万m3,混凝土浇筑131.1万m3。为保证1997年大江截流,目前要重点抓好右岸导流明渠工程、临时船闸及下航道工程、二期围堰准备项目的实施。1996年计划完成固定资产投资82亿元,其中建安投资27亿元;主要工程量为:土石方开挖约1900万m3,土石方回填660万m3,混凝土浇筑约200万m3。 The operation mechanisms of construction management for the Three Gorges Project are as follows:project responsibility system by legal person, bidding and tendering system and construction supervision system, in the meantime, the control of quality, construction time and cost is put into practice. In 1995, the Three Gorges Project hascompleted the fixed assets investment of 6. 47 billion RMB, accounting for 101% of that in the annual plan, andamong which there are 3. 14 billion RMB of construction and installation cost which is 101. 8% of that in the plan.The earth-rock excavation volume of 48. 304 million m3, the earth-rock filling volume of 15. 281 million m3 andthe concrete pouring volume of 1. 311 million m3 have been completed. In order to ensure the river closure in 1997,the present focus is to implement the construction of open diversion channel in the right bank, temporary lock anddownstream navigation channel and the preparation project for the second-phrase cofferdam. In 1996, it is plannedto complete the fixed assets incestment of 8. 2 billion RMB, among which there are 2. 7 billion RMB for the construction and installation project. The main bills of quantities are as follows: earthrock excavation volume of 19 million m3, earth-rock filling volume of 6. 6 million m3 and concrete pouring volume of 2. 0 million m3.
作者 贺恭
出处 《水力发电》 北大核心 1996年第3期7-12,共6页 Water Power
关键词 三峡工程 土石方 开挖 Three Gorges project, progress, construction task, preparation of river closure, construction system.
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