
技术进步、制度变迁协同与国际价值——从新经济地理学角度所作的国际价值还原考察 被引量:2

Technological Progress,Coordination of Institutional Changes and International Value: A Reconstructed Analysis of International Value from the Perspective of New Economic Geography
摘要 20世纪90年代以来,理论界对于国际价值理论的发展缺乏新的建树,其原因是研究者们缺少深入的国际价值形态演化与“国际价值具体”的对应还原分析。从新经济地理学的角度所做的研究表明,这一时期世界劳动生产率的提高主要通过技术进步与制度变迁来实现,经济一体化所创造的技术进步与制度创新协同性,对于国际价值形成和实现具有特别重要的意义。发展中国家应当积极调整战略与政策,促进技术进步与制度创新,最关键的是加快实现技术与制度形态的转型。 Since the 1990s, few insightful extensions have been achieved in the "international value" (Ⅳ) theory, because W theorists have paid little attention to the analysis of the configuration evolution and the corresponding embodied reconstruct of W. This paper proposes a reconstructed analysis of IV from the perspective of "new economic geography", which shows that the increase of the world labor productivity in this period was made passible by technological progress and institutional changes and that the integration which created coordination of technological progress and institutional innovations played a crucial role in the formation and realization of IV. This implies that developing countries should actively adjust their development strategies and policies to speed up technological changes and institutional innovations. Most important of all, they should accelerate the transition of technologieal and institutional mechanisms.
作者 黄建忠
出处 《厦门大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期99-105,共7页 Journal of Xiamen University(A Bimonthly for Studies in Arts & Social Sciences)
关键词 新经济地理学 制度变迁 国际价值 new oconomic geography, institutional change, international value
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