
金融投资中介化、噪声交易与金融危机模型的微观建构 被引量:2

Financial intermediary,Noise Trader and Financial Crises
摘要 随着金融市场的发展,投资者更多地通过金融中介间接参与金融市场投资。然而,金融中介的风险转移倾向容易导致风险资产的均衡价格偏离其基础价值,形成价格泡沫。长期存在的噪声交易者与金融投资中介化引发的资产泡沫相互推动,最终形成金融危机。即使在经济稳定的环境下,同样会由于金融市场本身发展的内在矛盾而导致危机的发生。 With the development of financial market, market through financial intermediaries. However, the more and more people invest their money in financial inclination to Risk-shifting makes the price of assets depart from the true value of it and finally forms spume. This paper examines the interaction, with the game theoretic model of Hawk versus Dove, between the Noise Traders, surviving long term in the market, and the bubble of assets resulting from the actives of Risk-shifting of intermediaries, which leads up to a financial Crises. This article discloses the micro-fundamentals of financial Crises in a way and suggests that the intra-conflicts in the development of financial market maybe result in Financial crises, whether the macroeconomic is stable or not.
作者 封北麟
出处 《经济与管理》 2006年第6期52-55,共4页 Economy and Management
关键词 金融投资中介化 噪声交易 金融危机 financial Intermediary noise Trader financial crises
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