
全球化视角下产业集群的治理与升级 被引量:20

Governance and Upgrading of Clusters under Globalization
摘要 随着技术的进一步提高和普及,一些曾经给地方经济带来繁荣的产业集群的发展开始出现停滞或后退。基于此,国内外的一些学者开始了有关产业集群升级的研究,但这一研究目前还不是很成熟,只有部分学者从全球价值链的角度探讨了产业集群升级的问题。事实上,产业集群的升级是一个内治外功共同作用的结果。基于这一点,我们认为从集群内部治理和嵌入全球价值链两个角度来看,产业集群升级的路径,最好是从处于内、外均弱连接阶段到内部强连接、外部弱连接阶段,再到内、外部均强连接阶段,或者从第一阶段直接进入第三阶段。 With the further improvement and popularizing of technology, industrial clusters which had brought about flourish for local economy began to stay cool or go backwards under specific environment. Based on this, some scholars of the domestic and international academia had begun the research about cluster upgrading, but this research was not still very ripe, only some scholars have probed into the question of clusters upgrading in terms of value chain in the whole world at present. In fact, the upgrading of clusters is the result that the internal and external work act on together, this Based on ehzs, upon internal govemance and extemal embeded persputives, the upgrading routes of industrial clusters were divideal into four stages this artide pornted out two better chotus. The first way is form both weak. Internally an externally to interal strengthness and txternal weakness, then going up to strong situation. The second way is directly upgrading form stage first to stage third.
作者 李文秀
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2006年第3期360-365,共6页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
基金 湖北省软科学项目(2003AA406B04)
关键词 集群治理 全球价值链 升级路径 clusters governance:global value chain upgrading route
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