254例(年龄8~78岁)中PB 121例、MB 133例;男198例、女56例;年龄8~78岁,14岁以下者3例。当地在用MDT前的32年里,年均发病率为0.99/10万、年均患病率0.088%;用MDT的7年中,年均发病率为0.42/10万。
Since 1986 WHO's MDT regimen has been adopted in Pingdu City, Shandong. AH of f ourty nine MB cases of leprosy used MDT had been cured in 24 to 60 months of treatment and then have been followed up for four to seven years. In the period of follow -up four cases died naturely and of remained 45 only one who took 24 month MDT relapsed in seventh year of the monitoring.