
江苏沿海滩涂地区农户经济行为研究 被引量:17

The Research on the Farmer Households' Economic Behavior and Sustainable Utilization Issues in Tidal Flat of Jiangsu Province
摘要 江苏海岸带是中国最重要的海岸带湿地之一,滩涂资源的可持续利用成为当前研究的焦点。农户是滩涂开发的微观经济活动的主体和相对独立的生产单位,农户的经济行为对滩涂开发和利用产生直接和重要的影响。以江苏省盐城市的射阳县、大丰市为例,选择3个典型村庄进行入户访谈式调查,在对220个农户进行了入户随机抽样调查的基础上,利用区域经济动力学原理Logisti模型和Cobb—Douglas生产函数,建立了农户经济行为对环境影响的数量经济模型。研究表明,滩涂区农户经济行为对滩涂环境压力的大小及类型具有直接影响,土地经营规模、土地利用类型、生产投入、投资意向、农户受教育水平等是产生影响的主要因素。找出滩涂资源利用中存在的问题和主要的环境压力在于:农户经济生产方式单一,产业结构不合理;农户教育水平较低,环境意识差;滩涂利用经济效率低,环境压力大;农户抗市场风险能力差。并提出了相应的对策和建议。 As an important piece of wetland in China, the coastal area of Yancheng is characterized with rich bio-diversity, where land reclaiming and wetland exploitation are quite common. These activities have more or less changed the original ecosystem, leading to the segmentation and degradation of the local ecological quality. Associated with the overexploitation of coastal resources, a set of problems has been brought out, such as, unreasonable land reclaiming, overdeveloped urbanization, heavy agriculture pollution, etc. The research on sustainable use of coastal tidal fiat has been increasingly emphasized. Farmer household is a relatively independent unit in coastal rural economic activities, which creates noticeable impacts on the coastal wetland ecosystem. The present research takes Sheyang and Dafeng counties of Yancheng City as research areas. The three different villages have been surveyed for the purpose of numerical economic model development. 220 farmer households were interviewed to support the model building. Beyond that, the co-relation model between farmer households' economic behavior and environmental impacts has also been developed. The research shows that the farmer households' economic behaviors have direct impacts on the ecological quality of the coastal tidal fiat. The other detemainants to the local coastal ecological quality are the areas of land with economic activities, land use types, investment of production, investment intention, individual education level etc. Finally, the main problems and environmental stresses are analyzed and management approaches are proposed in the paper.
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 2006年第3期124-129,共6页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目 项目号为[40371048]
关键词 滩涂 农户经济行为 环境压力 可持续利用 tidal flat farmer households' behavior environmental press sustainable utilization.
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