目的:分析麻痹性痴呆(GPI)的临床及影像特征及提供早期诊断依据。方法:回顾性分析经临床及实验室确诊的1例麻痹性痴呆患者的有关临床资料。结果:麻痹性痴呆早期以认知及精神症状为主要表现,影像上主要为脑室扩大,实验室检查有特征性改变。结论:麻痹性痴呆早期临床容易误诊,应重视梅毒血清和脑脊液抗体的检查,结合CT、 MRI可以诊断,大剂量足疗程青霉素治疗能取得显著疗效。
Objective: To analyse the clinical and image features of general paresis of insane (GPI) so as to make an early diagnosis available. Methods: The clinical and laboratory data of the definite one case GPI was analysed by a retrospective method. Results: The early chief manifestitions of GPI ware cognitive and psychiatric symptoms, with ventriculomegaly in image, as well as characteristic changes in laboratory examination. Conclusion: We should pay more attention to the examinination of serum and cerebrospinal fiuid(CSF) antibody against syphilis because of the high misdiagnosis rate at early stage. Combined with the help of CT and MRI, GPI could be early diagnosed. With a large dose and sufficient courses of penicillin treatment GPI might hopefully get predominant effects.
Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases