
调整窗宽窗位对DR胸部影像细微结构显示的应用研究 被引量:4

An applied study of adjusting window breadth and location as related to imperceptibility structure of DR chest image
摘要 目的评价调整窗宽窗位对DR胸部影像细微结构显示的应用。方法抽取正常成人胸部正位DR胸部影像1000例,由我院四位放射学专家对影像显示情况进行分析,确定清晰显示各个部位的参数数值及病例个数。结果DR胸部影像各部位细微结构显示清晰的参数数值不一样。结论同一张DR胸部正位影像在不同的窗宽窗位下,可以显示胸部8个部位的细微结构,有利于放射诊断。 Objective To evaluate applied effects on imperceptible structure as manifested in DR chest image through adjusting the window breadth and window locations, Methods A total of 1000 adult DR chest images were selected and analyzed by four radiology experts in our hospital to make sure the parameter values of each part on DR chest image and case numbers were clearly shown. Results Owing to differences of superposition layers of chest tissue structure in positive photograph, the X-ray attenuation degrees were different when penetrating through human body, and as such, parameters of each part in imperceptible structure as manifested in DR chest image were also different. Conclusion The same piece of DR chest positive image can show eight parts of chest imperceptible structure in different breadth and locations of window, which is beneficial to radiologists in their diagnosis of diseases.
作者 李勇 马秀玲
出处 《临床肺科杂志》 2006年第4期431-432,共2页 Journal of Clinical Pulmonary Medicine
关键词 DR 窗宽窗位 DR window breadth window location
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