To discuss and summarize the experience of its clinical characteristic, diagnosis and treatment, in order to diagnose, treat as early as possible and improve the prognosis of primary aldosteronism(PA). Analyzed the clinical data(clinical characteristic,data of laboratory, image,pathogic type)of 53 patients with PA in our hospital during the period of 1996- 2003. The proportion of the cases male and female was 1 : 1.65, it happens in the period of 30 - 49 years old most easily. Of 50.9% cases, hypertention wsa diagnosed first. Of 15.1% cases, hypokalaemia first. Among these cases ,9.4 % cases were also with hypertension heart disease, 1. 9% of them were with uriontoxaemia. 13.2% of them suffered from cerebrovascular disease. ARR(200 was 80.7%, 51.9% of the cases ARR(400, PAC( 140pg/ml was 84.6%. The highest positive rate of diagnosis were CT and MRI. According to the pathologic type after opration ,adrenal adenoma was 85%, nodular hyperplasia was 15% ,primary adrenal hyperplasia was 12. 5 %. hypertention and hypokalaernia were improved after operation. Without operation , the level of blood potassium of the cases with oral aldasterone were aslo satisfied. Primary aldasteronism is one of the reasons of treatable endocrine hypertension, we suggest the patients with hypertension and/or hypopotassium should examine their RAA system, and try their best to get the image data in order to diagnose and treat this disease and improveits progonosis.
Medicine & Philosophy(B)