AIM: Microcirculatory dysfunction and free oxygen radicals are important factors in the pathogenesis of severe acute pancreatitis. Additional oxygen delivery might enhance lipid peroxidation but may also improve pancreatic microcirculation. This study assesses the effect of free cellular bovine hemoglobin on the formation of oxygen radicals and microcirculation in a rodent model of severe acute pancreatitis. METHODS: Fifteen minutes after induction of acute pancreatitis Wistar rats received either 0.8 mL bovine hemoglobin (HBOC-200), hydroxyethyl starch (HES) or 2.4 mL of normal saline to ensure normovolemic substitution. After 6 h of examination the pancreas was excised and rapidly processed for indirect measurement of lipid peroxidation products malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) in pancreatic tissue. RESULTS: The single application of HBOC-200 improved pancreatic microcirculation and reduced histopathological tissue damage significantly. Tissue concentration of MDA did not differ between the groups. Also no differences in GSH levels were detected.CONCLUSION: Though the single application of HBOC-200 and HES improve pancreatic microcirculation, no differences in lipid peroxidation products were detected. The beneficial effect of additional oxygen supply (HBOC-200) does not lead to enhanced lipid peroxidation.
瞄准:Microcirculatory 机能障碍和免费的氧激进分子是在严重尖锐胰腺炎的致病的重要因素。另外的氧交货可能每氧化提高类脂化合物,但是可以也改进胰腺的微循环。这研究在严重尖锐胰腺炎的一个啮齿类动物模型在氧激进分子和微循环的形成上估计免费细胞的牛的血红素的效果。方法:在尖锐胰腺炎 Wistar 老鼠的正式就职以后的十五分钟收到了任何一个 0.8 mL 牛的血红素(HBOC-200 ) , hydroxyethyl 淀粉(HES ) 或保证血量正常替换的生理盐水的 2.4 mL。在检查的 6 h 以后,胰每氧化产品 malondialdehyde (MDA ) 为类脂化合物的间接测量被切除并且很快处理了并且在胰腺的织物减少了谷胱甘肽(GSH ) 。结果:HBOC-200 的单个申请改进了胰腺的微循环并且显著地减少了组织病理学说的织物损坏。MDA 的织物集中没在这些组之间不同。另外,在 GSH 层次的差别都没被检测。结论:不过 HBOC-200 和 HES 的单个申请改进胰腺的微循环,在类脂化合物的没有差别每氧化,产品被检测。另外的氧供应(HBOC-200 ) 的有益的效果不每氧化导致提高的类脂化合物。