
农民流动与村民自治——流出村和流入村的分析 被引量:7

Migration of Farmers and Autonomy of Villagers:A Perspective of the Villages from and into which Farmers Migrate
摘要 农民在村庄范围内大量流出或流入已经成为当下中国乡村社会的常态。无论是在流出村还是流入村,农民流动都对村民自治产生了深刻的影响。在流出村,农民流动在为村民自治准备了良好的群众基础、经济基础和社会基础的同时,也带来了一些负面影响,如流动农民选举权利难以实现、民主选举质量降低、民主管理陷入困境、民主决策难以实现和民主监督流于形式等等。在流入村,农民流动在促进农村经济增长的同时,也导致社会治安的迅速恶化,严重影响了村庄社区的秩序。此外,对大量的外来农民,是否允许他们参与流入村的村民自治,也是一个迫切需要从宏观立法和微观实践中解决的问题。 While the large-scale migration of farmers from village to village has become a common phenomenon in China's rural areas, it is exerting profound influences upon the autonomy of villagers in villages both out of and into which farmers move. As to the former, while the migration has laid a solid foundation for the autonomy in terms of personnel, finance and social environment, its negative aspects should not be ignored, including the difficulty in realizing the emigrants' suffrage, the low rate of participation in democratic election, the dilemma of democratic management, the trouble in democratic decision-making, and the specious exercise of democratic supervision. And to the latter, while immigration of farmers contributes to their economic growth, it may lead to deterioration of the social security within a very short period, and badly affect the public order; in addition, it remains a urgent issue in both legislation and practice whether the large number of emigrant farmers should be allowed to participate in the local villagers' self-government process.
作者 徐增阳 甘霖
出处 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第3期15-20,共6页 Journal of Zhejiang Normal University(Social Sciences)
关键词 农民流动 村民自治 权利 Migration of Farmers Autonomy of Villagers Rights
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