
布莱登论非洲对人类文明的贡献 被引量:3

Blyden on Africa's Contributions to Human Civilizations
摘要 爱德华·威尔莫特·布莱登堪称最早坚信非洲有确凿历史和灿烂文化的近代黑人知识分子,也是最先在学术上揭示和论证非洲人对世界历史与人类文明作出过突出贡献的黑人知识分子。布莱登的思想所涉及的领域十分广泛。布莱登历史哲学的内涵由四部分内容构成非洲是人类文明的摇篮,曾以古老的埃塞俄比亚人和灿烂的古埃及文明彪炳于世界历史;非洲参与了人类精神的发展,虽然基督教和伊斯兰教起源于亚洲,但“北非是抚育了这些无助的婴儿的摇篮”;非洲不仅参与了“新大陆”的开发,也为“旧大陆”的工业发展提供了不可或缺的资源;非洲有辉煌的历史,且有光明的未来。 Edward Wilmot Blyden may be rated as the first modern black scholar who firmly believed that Africa had a real history and splendid cultures, and also academically revealed and demonstrated Africans' remarkable contributions to world history and human civilizations. Blyden's thoughts deal with a variety of fields. The contents of his historical philosophy consist of four parts as follows: Africa, well-known for old Ethiopian and splendid civilization of Ancient Egypt, was the cradle of human civilizations; although Christianity and Islam originated from Asia, North Africa was the cradle for their nourishment, thus Africa played its role in human spiritual development; Africa not only participated the exploration of the New Continent, it also provided indispensable resources for the industrial development of the Old Continent; Africa possessed not only a remarkable history but also a bright future.
作者 张宏明
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第3期20-25,共6页 West Asia and Africa
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  • 1Abiola Irele,Negritude et African Personality,in A.J.Smet,Philosophie africaine,Textes choisis,I.Presse universitaires du Zaire,Kin Shasa,1975,p.64.
  • 2Hollis R.Lynch, Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912): Pan - Negro Patriot,London, Oxford University Press, 1967, p.54.
  • 3Pieter Boele van Hensbroek,Political discourses in African Thought:1860 to Present ,London,1999,p.46.
  • 4Hollis R.Lynch,op.cit.,p.54.
  • 5Abiola Irele,Negritude et African Personality,in A.J.Smet,op.cit.,p.66.
  • 6Edward Wilmot Blyden,Chrstianity,Islam and the Negro Race,Edinbrgh University Press,1967,pp.94-106.
  • 7张宏明.非洲中心主义——谢克·安塔·迪奥普的历史哲学[J].西亚非洲,2002(5):48-53. 被引量:22
  • 8Hollis R.Lynch,op.cit.,p.55.
  • 9Robert W.July."Nineteenth-Century Negritude:Edward Wlimot Blyden",Joumal of Africa History,V,I,1964,p.84.
  • 10Hollis R.Lynch,op.cit.,pp.56-57.


  • 1《哲学史讲演录》第1卷.商务印书馆,1959年9月版,第54页.
  • 2Amady Aly Dieng, Hegel, Marx, Engels et les problemes de l'AfriqueNoire, Dakar, Senegal: Sankore, 1978, p.49.
  • 3Gomez Coov Gbete Zonnon,"Cheikh Anta Diop: Historien de la rennaissance", in Nomade-Cheikh Anta Diop, Revue cultwelle, Paris: L' Harmattan, 2000, p. 37.
  • 4Cheikh Anta Diop, Anteriorite des ci?lisations negres, Mythe ou verite historique, Paris: Presence Africaine, 1967, p. 9.
  • 5P.D.柯廷.《非洲史学史的最新趋向及其对总的历史的贡献》,载联合国教科文组织编.《非洲通史》第1卷,中国对外翻译出版公司1984年版,第41-43,200页
  • 6G. W. F.Hegel, la raison dans l' hiatoire, Paris, 1974,pp.250-251.
  • 7联合国教科文组织编.《非洲通史》第1卷,第23页
  • 8Amady Aly Dieng, op.cit., p.47.
  • 9Macien Towa, Essai mar la problematique philosophique dans l' Afrique actuelle, edition Cle, Yaounde, 1971, p.22.
  • 10Cheikh Anta Diop, nations Negres et Culture-De l' antiquite Negre-Egyptienne aux problemes culturels de l' Afrique noire d' aujour-d' hui, presence africaine, Paris, 1954, pp.21-28, 37,259,56.












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