The present article is eoncerned with a study of a kind of plastie (EVA) blended with elastomer (CSM) and the effects of the blend. As is found in our experiments, the flame-retardancy would be enhanced when the elastomer phase was crosslinked. And the highest flame-retardancy can be obtained in the presence of Sb203/Chlorohor. Additive flame-retardants prove to hamper the heat-shrinkability of the blend to some extent, which depends on the various factors, such as blending composition, temperature, curing, etc, The depression of shrinkability in the presence of flame-retarding agents would be less for the cured sample and elastomer-rich blend when compared with the uncured and plastic-rich blends, respectively. Tberefire, it can be found that with the increase in the cure time and elastomer content tile shrinkability and the flame-retardancy would be enhanced. At high temperatures, the sacrifice of the shrinkability in the presence of flame retardants would also increase, for some particular blends. Parameters such as blending composition, curing time and elevated temperature, all may affect the micrestructure of the blend, and the control of the shrinkage property of the blends. Lower shrinkability has thus been tound due to the interference of flame-retarding agents. For cured samples and elastomer-rich blends, the flame-retardancy would become greater and the sacrifice of shrinkability would thus be weakened. It is also found that crystallinity of the blend also proves to play a role in determining the fiame-retardancy as well as the heat shfinkability. The desired communication of heat shrinkability and fiame-retardancy of the thermoplastic/elastomer blends can thus be obtained through optimization of the above parameters given the correlation of shrinkability and flame-retardaney with various parameters.
Journal of Safety and Environment