
煤粉火焰实际成像过程模型 被引量:1

Modeling the Image Formation Process of Coal Flames
摘要 为了深入研究煤粉火焰的成像过程,不按照传统方法将煤粉火焰假设为灰性介质,而是将煤粉火焰考虑为三维吸收、发射、各向异性、散射的非灰性介质。用Monte Carlo方法对煤粉火焰的成像过程进行了模拟,提出了虚假物面成像的假设,并计算分析了虚假物面与摄像机镜头的距离对成像的影响。 In order to deepen research on image formation processes of pulverized coal flames, in contrast to the conventional way of assuming the flame to be a gray medium, it is here being considered as a 3-dimensionally absorbing and emitting non-gray anisotropic medium, It is being proposed that the imaging process be simulated with the Monte Carlo method and an imagined object plane. The influence of the distance, between the plane and the camera's lens, on imaging is being analyzed by numerical calculation, Figs 6 and refs 10,
出处 《动力工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期388-391,共4页 Power Engineering
基金 东华大学科学技术发展基金项目
关键词 工程热物理 煤粉火焰成像 非灰性介质 图像法测温 虚假物面 engineering thermophysics imaging of a pulverized coal flame non-gray medium temperature measurementby imaging imagined object plane
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